SAOGA AGM held on 6th Feb 2012, at 7 Briar Ave. Medindie SA

People attending: D.Brooker, A.Dewar, M.Duerden, R.Mulder, J.Newport, J.Snedden, C.Skewes, J.McCrae, W.Lehmann, C.Brooker, M.Brooker, J.Watts, M.Welsh, D.Pearson, J.Lunnay.

Meeting opened at 5 40pm.

Treasurers Report:  Renmark sponsorship $22,000 plus $2,800 from the raffle – enough money to run the tournament.  $8,419.47 in the bank.

Secretary Report: Membership now back up to 120 (last year 94) Secretary tabled this years dates for all tournaments, Renmark 25th to 28th October

Committee nominations: All committee members nominated to run again with Chris Skewes and Jeff Snedden nominating for the position of Captain.  Jeff decided to withdraw his nomination for Captain but will remain on the committee.

The committee recognizes the hard work the secretary has put in to further our membership base.

Committee Positions for 2012:

President: David Brooker

Captain: Chris Skewes

Secretary: Mark Duerden

Treasurer: James Newport

General Committee: Jeff Snedden, Bob Mulder, A Dewar, John McCrae

Meeting closed at 6 00 pm

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